September 29, 2004

Online Book for Remoting

September 09, 2004

.Net Web Services Vs .Net Remoting

An article on .Net Web Services Vs .Net Remoting. Go through given link.

September 02, 2004

Walkthrough: Creating a Windows Service Application in the Component Designer

The procedures in this topic walk you through the process of creating a simple Windows Service application that writes messages to an event log. The basic steps that you perform to create and use your service include:

-> Create a project using the Windows Service application template. This template creates a class for you that inherits from ServiceBase and writes much of the basic service code, such as the code to start the service.
-> Write the code for the OnStart and OnStop procedures, and override any other methods that you want to redefine.
-> Add the necessary installers for your service application. By default, a class containing two or more installers is added to your application when you click the Add Installer link: one to install the process, and one for each of the associated services your project contains.
-> Build your project.
-> Create a setup project to install your service, and then install it.
-> Access the Windows 2000 Services Control Manager and start your service.

Click on the link and lets walk with Windows Services.